Health for Heroes

In April 2005 I submitted a research paper on Gulf Related Illnesses, to identify the most indicated homeopathic remedies to support service men and women. I set out to discover whether homeopathic treatment would be a viable option in providing those suffering with post traumatic stress disorder and other gulf related illnesses with a better quality of life after active service.

Homeopathy is a medical system that treats the individual, however looking at gulf related illness as an “epidemic”, in this instance, where a group of individuals exhibit the same or similar symptoms as a result of a shared experience or influence, enables homeopathic practitioners to be able to identify a group of fitting remedies to bring relief.

A trauma may cause an onset of symptoms which the individual alone cannot break free of. Recurrent panic attacks and palpitations, for instance, may signify being stuck in a pattern, a response which may have served as a “fight or flight” response in a military environment but is no longer required. Homeopathic treatment can address symptoms to provide the system with the kick-start needed for the body to release whatever is causing the panic attacks.

To get the most from homeopathic treatment it is best to arrange a consultation with a qualified homeopath. An initial consultation lasts between and hour and an hour and a half; a remedy will be prescribed and a follow-up consultation (lasting approximately half a hour) one month later will allow the homeopath to assess response to the remedy, where treatment can be taken from there as required.

Homeopathic remedies can be taken safely alongside conventional medicine. The rule of thumb with homeopathic remedies is to stop if there is improvement or a shift of any kind.

Remedies for Anxiety, panic attacks and palpitations:

Panic attacks accompanied by heat and pulsating forehead and heart palpitations may be alleviated by indicated homeopathic remedies. For nightmares and night terrors after a traumatic experience or for difficulty getting to sleep, accompanied by anxious thoughts and restlessness with general weakness another homeopathic remedy may help and mean that pharmaceutical medication can be avoided for veterans wishing to get support for symptoms without having to turn to extended use of medication. One homeopathic remedy in tablet form can be taken every 15 minutes in an acute attack. Stop with improvement.

There are several homeopathic remedies that may provide relief for numerous symptoms associated with PTSD. For chronic complaints (those that have been experienced for 3 months or more) treatment with a professional qualified homeopath is recommended.

Candice, with Homeopath Tracy Ferris, provides an introduction talk to Homeopathy for ex-service men focusing on remedies that are safe and gentle to self-prescribe, including remedies that may provide support for symptoms that arise after a conflict situation. Homeopathic remedies do not interfere with prescribed medication so can be used as a complement to on-going treatment. The Introduction talk is designed to empower ex- Service personnel and provide confidence in using homeopathic remedies. A “Homeopathy for Heroes – an Introduction to Homeopathy to support servicemen and women” talk can be booked by a charity organisation for groups of up to 12 people. Space is provided for questions and for participants to take an active part.

Contact Candice for further guidance. Greendaisies Homeopathic Talks and Workshops